ESV ID - ESV 42070996

Ecosystem Info

Es Value Id :
ESV 42070996
FAO Biome :
{{ ecoSystem.fao_biome }}
Ecosystem :
{{ ecoSystem.ecosystem ?? 'N/A' }}
Forest Zone :
{{" , ") }}
TEEB ES Code :
{{ ecoSystem.teeb }}
Forest Zone Text :
{{ ecoSystem.zone_text }}

ES and SubES Info

ES Class ES Name Sub ES Name Sub ES Quantity Sub ES Quantity Unit Sub ES Value Sub ES Value Unit Sub ES Valuation Method
{{ Es.es_class }} {{ item.subes_item }} {{ item.subes_name }} {{ item.subes_quantity }} {{ item.subes_quantity_unit }} {{ item.subes_value }} {{ item.subes_value_unit }} {{ item.subes_validation }}
ES All Text :
{{ Es.es_text ?? 'N/A' }}
Teeb Sub ES Code :
{{ Es.teeb ?? 'N/A' }}
Sub ES All Text :
{{ Es.sub_es_text ?? 'N/A' }}
IUCN Function :
{{ Es.iucn ?? 'N/A' }}

Location Info

Div Name :
{{ Study.division.length == 0 ? 'N/A' : Study.division.join(" , ") }}
District Name :
{{ Study.district_name.join(" , ") }}
District Code :
{{ Study.district_code.join(" , ") }}
Site Scale :
{{ Study.site_scale.split('_').join(' ') ?? 'N/A' }}
TEEB Scale Code :
{{ Study.teeb ?? 'N/A' }}
Location Name :
{{ Study.location_name ?? 'N/A'}}
Legal Status :
{{ Study.legal_status.split('_').join(' ') ?? 'N/A' }}
Site Area :
{{ Study.site_area ?? 'N/A' }}
Site Area HA :
{{ Study.site_ha ?? 'N/A' }}
Site Condition Text :
{{ Study.site_condition_text ?? 'N/A' }}
Site Condition :
{{ Study.site_condition.split('_').join(' ') ?? 'N/A' }}
Latitude :
{{ Study.latitude ?? 'N/A' }}
Longitude :
{{ Study.longitude ?? 'N/A' }}

Valuation Info

Valuation Method :
{{ Valuation.valuation_method.join(" , ") }}
Valuation Measured Text :
{{ Valuation.valuation_measured_text ?? 'N/A' }}
Value Original :
{{ Valuation.value_original ?? 'N/A' }}
Value Total :
{{ Valuation.value_total ?? 'N/A' }}
Value Currency :
{{ Valuation.value_currency ?? 'N/A' }}
Value Year :
{{ Valuation.value_year ?? 'N/A' }}
Temporal Unit :
{{ Valuation.temporal_unit ?? 'N/A' }}
Beneficiary Unit :
{{ Valuation.beneficial_unit.join(" , ") }}
Beneficiary Number :
{{ Valuation.beneficial_number ?? 'N/A' }}
Beneficiary Text :
{{ Valuation.beneficial_text ?? 'N/A' }}

Reference Info

Title :
{{ Reference.title ?? 'N/A' }}
Authors :
{{ ?? 'N/A' }}
Year Publication :
{{ Reference.year_publication ?? 'N/A' }}
Full Reference :
{{ Reference.full_reference ?? 'N/A' }}

Data Entry and QC Info

Data Entered By :
{{ Data.data_entered_by ?? 'N/A' }}
Data Entered Date :
{{ Data.data_entered_date ?? 'N/A' }}
Reviewed By :
{{ Data.reviewer_name ?? 'N/A' }}
Reviewed Date :
{{ Data.reviewer_date ?? 'N/A' }}
Notes :
{{ Data.notes ?? 'N/A' }}