Bangladesh Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation (ESV) Database

Connecting People for a Better Forest Management

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No of Reference

{{ full_reference_array.length }}
No of District

{{ single_no_of_district.size }}
Forest Zone

{{ single_no_of_forest_zone.size }}
No of Division

{{ single_no_of_division.size }}

Forest Zone Statistics ( )

About The Forest ESV Database

The Forest ESV Database is an open-access living document of the Bangladesh Forest Department to support decision-making regarding sustainable forest governance, which consists of information on forest ecosystem services quantities and monetary values gathered from peer-reviewed journal articles, government publications, and various published project reports. This module has been developed with technical and financial support from USAID and US Forest Service’s Community Partnerships to Strengthen Sustainable Development (Compass) Program.

Database Use

The Forest ESV Database is designed as a living document where new valuation information will be added through a rigorous review process. Voluntary contributions are welcome to enrich it. The summary statistics on the dashboard will change depending on new updates. The database should be used for non-commercial, research, and educational purposes to support sustainable forest governance and policymaking. Reports using information from the Forest ESV Database should acknowledge with a correct reference: Bangladesh Forest Department (2022). Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation Database technically implemented by US Forest Service International Programs, [download date],

Database Structure

This database is structured following the internationally recognized. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) valuation database, a.k.a. Ecosystem Services Valuation Database (ESVD). The forest ecosystems are placed under different forest zones of Bangladesh and the services are categorized into four classes: provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services.

Developed by SIS Inflexionpoint BD with guidance from the COMPASS Program